No one likes dealing with pain. It can make even the simplest daily tasks feel almost impossible. You may have heard that cannabis is an effective alternative to many conventional pain relievers, providing relief without the unwanted side effects. Did you know that you can also use the plant topically for effective relief as well? Here’s what you need to know about CBD pain relief rub.

 back pain

What Is CBD Pain Relief Rub?

CBD pain relief rub is a topical form of cannabis. It’s a cream or oil that’s been infused with CBD (and other cannabinoids) to provide relief for sore joints and muscles. Most rubs also contain other soothing ingredients that help with discomfort, such as peppermint, capsaicin, or eucalyptus. 

You’ll find a whole assortment of cannabis-derived CBD relief rubs and other topicals at your local dispensary. There are full-spectrum rubs, which contain numerous cannabinoids (including THC) and terpenes. Broad-spectrum products have the THC removed. There are also isolates, which contain only CBD. Even if they contain other cannabinoids, such as THC, these products won’t get you high. You can use them as often as you need without having to worry about any psychoactive effects. 

How Does It Work?

CBD pain relief rubs work locally, which means they provide relief where you apply them. The cannabinoids absorb into your skin, where they begin to interact with certain receptors in the skin. CBD, in particular, can help to reduce pain sensations as well as inflammation, providing you with some much-needed relief. The cannabinoid also helps to reduce cytokine, chemokine, and the production of T-regulatory cells, which can help sore muscles recover more quickly.

What Does Research Say?

Let’s take a closer look at some of the research involving CBD rubs. While research is still limited, there are a few out there that show promising results. One study found that CBD could help to reduce pain and inflammation in individuals with multiple sclerosis. A survey performed by the Arthritis Foundation also found that more than three-quarters of respondents have considered or are using CBD for their arthritis pain. 

Tips for Applying CBD Pain Relief Rub

So, how exactly do you use CBD pain relief rubs? First, you want to make sure the area is clean and dry. Wash your skin and dry it thoroughly. Next, apply the topical to your skin and rub it in using gentle but firm pressure. You want to encourage the cannabinoids into your skin, but you don’t want to cause yourself any more discomfort. Apply a second or even third coat if necessary.

The great thing about CBD rubs is that you don’t have to worry about getting high. You can use them as often as you need throughout the day for relief. If you feel your pain coming back after an hour or two, you can apply another coat without the fear of it interfering with your day.

Whether you deal with chronic pain, such as arthritis, or you’ve recently experienced a sports injury, CBD pain relief rub can help to provide you with some much-needed relief. Purchase a container the next time you’re visiting your local dispensary and give it a try.